In the present global situation, like all other Lodges in England, Innsworth Lodge has not been able to meet for over a year. The 27th of February 2021 was the anniversary of their last Meeting and the long-serving Master, Bryan Roberts, decided that it would be appropriate to mark the anniversary in some way. He wrote to Lodge members suggesting a brief, virtual gesture on the date of the cancelled February Meeting.
The Lodge Charity Steward, Tom Robson, had already suggested that the Brethren should send their “would-have-been” Alms to the Innsworth Lodge MCF Relief Chest, in lieu of donations at the February Meeting. The WM encouraged this action and suggested that an anniversary virtual toast would also go down well.
The “cunning plan” was that Lodge members should join their fellows in spirit that Saturday. They could then, if they so wished, provide a photograph of themselves drinking their favourite tipple on the anniversary evening. The hope being that things would soon improve, so that they could meet again and elect and instal their new Master, and complete other Lodge business. The collection of mug shots could then create an “unbelievable” montage pour memoire and remind each other of the colleagues that they have not seen for so long! The “Absent Brethren in Lockdown” montage is duly attached to this brief.
“Happy to meet. Sorry to part. Happy to meet again!”