On 25th January 2020, Innsworth Lodge (8751) initiated their first ex-Royal Navy member and marked the occasion by flying the White Ensign as well as the RAF Ensign in the dining-room at the Festive Board. In Addition, Hearts of Oakwas played as the Initiate and the Worshipful Master took their places for dinner.
Innsworth Lodge, a member of the Circuit of Service Lodges, was initially founded as a Royal Air Force Lodge. However, over the years, the “Service” element has been bolstered and enhanced by several Army and ex-Army members. The Senior Service was conspicuous by its absence.
The new Brother, Jason Edney, served worldwide for 12 years in the Royal Navy, followed by 20 years in the Royal Naval Reserve, and is a veteran of both the Gulf Wars and IFOR in the former Yugoslavia. The “dark blue” was enthusiastically welcomed by the “light blue”, “khaki” and “civvy” members of Innsworth Lodge.