On 13 March this year, the Worshipful Master of Innsworth Lodge (8751) presented a cheque from the Lodge to Rob Ford, the principle of Wyedean School and Sixth Form Centre in the South of the Province of Gloucestershire.
The donation is to support the fund-raising that the students themselves are undertakingand will go towards an outdoor Study Garden. The study garden, which is being built bit by bit as funding permits, was originally designed via a whole school competition and provides a sustainable space for the students to use. The space uses sustainably sourced furniture and a living willow wall to enclose the area.
Wyedean School is a mixed comprehensive school, with 1,100 pupils, including 300 in the Sixth Form; a notable former pupil is J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books. The school is located in Gloucestershire and the majority of its pupils live in the Forest of Dean.