On 23 April 2022 a new Entered Apprentice, Brother Tim Jordan (3rd from Left), took his place next to the Master of Innsworth Lodge (W.Bro. Nic Brindle) for his first Festive Board in the Gloucester Masonic Hall. The Lodge members were delighted to welcome Tim to Innsworth Lodge.

Sharing the Top Table are (L to R) W. Bro. Johnathon Jones, W. Bro. Paul Turner, Bro. Tim Jordan, W. Bro. Nic Brindle, W. Bro. Peter Brindle, W. Bro. Bill Beedie and W. Bro. Fred Wood.
At their previous Meeting in March 2022, Innsworth Lodge welcomed 2 other new Entered Apprentices, Brothers Darren Meadows and Luke Roberts; the new Master Elect, Bro Jon Ward, can look forward to a busy year in the Chair after installation in September.