In November 2019, two Gloucester masons took the opportunity, while in Malta, to visit the De Roham Lodge (9670) in Valletta; De Rohan Lodge is one of the two EC Craft Lodges in Malta.
Bro Mike Collins and Bro Tracey Pope, of both Mayhill Lodge (8056) and Innsworth Lodge (8751), are seen here with the WM, W Bro Terry Davis, who had welcomed them with open arms in the English Masonic Hall in Valletta.

While in Malta, the worthy masons could not resist a “duty visit” to the Malta Aviation Museum, located on the old RAF airfield at Ta Qali. They are seen here posing with a WWII Spitfire, for the benefit of the Brethren of Innsworth Lodge. Innsworth Lodge is a member of the Circuit of Service Lodges.