When it was confirmed that a serving soldier of the Intelligence Corps was to be the next Innsworth Lodge initiate, W Bro Fred Wood, himself formerly of the Intelligence Corps, offered his service to conduct the ceremony. At a Past Masters’ evening on Saturday 22nd February BroGeorgeThompsonbecame the latest of a growing membership of former and serving soldiers in the ranks of the province’s only military, though traditionally RAF Lodge. Innsworth is deemed a military lodge through its
membership of the Circuit of Service Lodges. The Army, RAF and the police services were each represented by Past Masters delivering the ceremony and it fell to a visiting submariner to respond to the visitors’ toast at dinner. Much to the delight of diners, our new Brother was treated to the jubilant sound of ‘The Rose and Laurel’ – the Intelligence Corps quick march – during the inter-service banter that usually accompanies the less formal toasting at dinner.
Like others soldiers before him, George expressed his pride at being able to wear the exclusive and coveted silver wings presented to him that evening. Innsworth Lodge is proud that it draws membership from all three branches of the armed services and equally brethren from other walks of life too. We wish Bro George the very best in Masonry and as we already know there is something about a soldier!